November 2023
Over the last month we've had a few activities on and we're gearing up for some festive dates too. This has included our monthly litter picks (Jocks Lane and Savernake areas) which included friends of the club and prospective members which was really lovely. We're always looking for spots that need a spruce up so get in touch if you have anywhere in mind.
Click here for some photos from Circle Hospital.
We ran another Foodbank Collection at Wildridings Primary school at the start of November, where generous families brought in all kinds of items from food to soap. Thank you to everyone who supported the event.
We lay wreaths at the annual Rememberance services at St Micheals and St Marys church and in the town centre.
And finally, we badged up two new club members this month! Very exciting for us as a small club and we're lokoing forwards to having both Don and George officially on the team. Both have brought such energy, spirit and enthusiasm to our meetings and events already.
September 2023
Usually it's quiet over the summer holidays and start of the school year but we finished the summer off with a huge litter pick event in August and supporting the Thames Hospice Sunflower walk by marshalling four points between Dorney and Windsor. The walk was a huge success with over 700 people taking part in 2km, 10km or a half marathon distance and over £100,000 raised for the wonderful hospice. You can read more about it on the Thames Hospice website.
Litter picking happens every month and in August we had some new potential members plus a few friends of the club help us out. It was a great community activity, thank you to everyone who helped.
June 2023
This week we worked with the wonderful Wildridings School Community to collect for the foodbank. At a busy time in schools (summer holidays fast approaching and in the middle of sports days, PTA fundraisers, the School Fair, moving up days and school trips)- we always appreciate how much support the school give.
Not only did we collect piles of tins and packages but the school community responded really well to the specific requests from the foodbank and donated:
- 77 toothbrushes
- 47 toothpastes
- 63 shampoo/ shower gel/ soap etc products
- 6 packs of sanitary products
- 3 large washing powder/ liquids
A great team effort and always very heart-warming to see the generosity of the community- thank you all.

Thanks to Bracknell News who published a little story we sent them about the collection: Bracknell News Story
April 2023
The nicer weather is here and we've had some great success with more litter picking and a great little fundraiser. Thanks again to Redwood Technologies for hosting an Easter Basket Hamper raffle, and to everyone who donated at our collection at Martins Heron Tesco before the Easter weekend.
Feb 2023
Morning all and happy new year!
It's been a tricky year for us as a club but we're coming back fighting. We have some new members who were badged up in 2022 and are starting to plan our year to engage in some fundraising activities.
In the background, we've been reassessing the kinds of events we can deliver and running community based activities such as litter picking throughout the year. All our new members have taken part, it's a great way to spend a morning or afternoon, getting to know each other and clearing up a local spot. We've been asking on facebook to get the local community to give us ideas of where they'd like us to clear up next.
We ran two recruitment drives in 2022 in the town centre- thanks to everyone who came to say hi and it's great to have some new and active members onboard. Thank you also to The Lexicon for the use of their charity cart.
We also ran two big fundraisers at Christmas- we took Santa to Martins Heron Tesco for the day and he helped up collect lots of money for local causes! Redwood Technologies also kindly hosted a Christmas Hamper raffle. Between the two we raised well over £500 and have already made a donation to The Autism Group who run session in Bracknell for parents of Autistic children. We also worked with Wildridings School in Bracknell in November to run a collection for the foodbank, donating over 400 items from the wonderful families and staff.
Click on the left hand menu to look at previous years