24th December 2012
Happy Christmas/ Winter Greetings one and all!
It's lovely to go into the festive season knowing that we've been able to help people enjoy Christmas. This year we've donated £50 again to the Me 2 Club on our boaders in Wokingham- this pays for the food at their Christmas Party. The Me 2 Club:
"...helps children and young people aged 5 to 19 years old with additional needs to participate in mainstream activities playing and socialising alongside other children. This is made possible by providing a trained volunteer to offer one to one support."
So young volunteers work intensively with children and teenagers that might not normally be able to take part in activities like guides, sports clubs and residential trips. The volunteers work really hard, so their christmas party is a great way to get all the children and volunteers together for a fun afternoon of cake and entertainment.
We were very grateful for a mention in their December newsletter too!

We also had the pleasure of donating to Bracknell Food Bank, and we put together and delivered some food parcels for local MS sufferers. I hope that helped make some happy christmases :-)
--------------------------------1st December 2012
Well done me for updating the blog!
Last weekend was Wokingham Winter Carnival, with much better weather than expected! We were a but worried at first because it was really windy and wet on the week leading up to the carnival, and we were concerned about keeping our gazebo safely weighed down. Luckily when we woke up on Sunday, the sun was out and the wind had died down (although still gusty). It meant that lots of people came out to enjoy the stalls, and we made lots of money for charity. Thanks to everyone who helped man our stall, to all the wonderful people and companies who donated prizes (including but not exclusively Panasonic, Ascot Race Course, The Lookout, John Nike, Waitrose and many more), and everyone who had a go at the tombola whether you were winners or not!
We got very busy!
Today two of our members are helping out at the Me2Club Christmas party again, which was great fun last year. The Me 2 Club helps children and young people aged 5 to 19 years old with additional needs to participate in mainstream activities playing and socialising alongside other children. This is made possible by providing a trained volunteer to offer one to one support. Each year they do a party for their volunteers and children together to celebrate the friendships and say thanks for the volunteers. I hope it's as much fun as last year!

23rd November 2012
I can't believe how long I've gone without an update! Apologies to all, and thanks for your emails and requests- we do our best to accomodate the requests we receive. At our last meeting, we wrote cheques for the Windsor Theatre Describers, the Me2 Club (for their Christmas party, as we did last year (see our event page for last years' success!))
Now- a request for you! Our club is starting to really struggle with numbers. There's just 5 of us as official club members, which makes it really hard to run successful events, raise money and help people in our local communities. Why join Lions? Well I decided to google it as I was sure someone had already had some good ideas, and I was right. Here's what Lions Australia have to say:
1. Friendship. In an increasingly complex world, Lions provides one of the most basic human needs - the need for friends and friendship.
2. The opportunity to make a difference - as an individual you can have a limited impact, but as part of a group, you can achieve so much more - in your community, your country, your world.
3. Personal growth and development - Membership in Lions aids your growth and education in human relations and personal development.
4. Leadership development - every Lions member is encouraged, and has the opportunity to build their leadership skills and to serve in a variety of positions, both at club level and beyond.
5. Citizenship in the community. Membership in a lions club brings you more awareness of your community. The average Lions Club has at its heart the intention to make the community it serves a better place to live in, and does this with a variety of programs tailored to the community's needs.
6. Continuing education. Interesting guest speakers bring a range of views and information for club members. Opportunities for personal and leadership development are offered.
7. Fun. Lions is fun. A lot of fun. Each meeting is fun. The club projects are fun. Social activities are fun. And the service is fun.
8. Public speaking skills. Many an individual who joined Lions was afraid to speak in public. Lions develops confidence and skill in public communication, and the opportunity to practice these skills in a friendly setting.
9. Citizenship in the world. Every Lion wears a pin that reads "Lions International". Every Lion is welcome to attend the 41,000+ clubs in more than 190 nations and geographical areas of the world. Some 1.4 million men and women are Lions. Instant friends both in one's own community and the world community.
10. Assistance when travelling. Because there are Lions clubs everywhere, help is only a 'phone call away should you need it. Using the International Directory, you can easily contact the local Lions Club, wherever you are.
11. Entertainment. Lions Clubs organise many different activities that provide entertainment as well as education.
12. The development of social skills. Lions is for people who like people. Once a month at meetings, and at various events and functions, Lions helps to develop social and people skills in its members.
13. Lions "do".Wherever there is a need, you'll find Lions there, actively involved in getting the job done. Always ready to roll up the sleeves and find a solution. No job is too big or too small.
14. Family programs. Lions has a range of programs for our youth - Leo clubs, Youth exchange and hosting, the Youth of the Year Quest, the Lions-Quest Skills programs and other programs that involve the family.
15. The development of ethics. All Lions Clubs embrace the same set of ethics. Lions are expected to be ethical in business and personal relationships.
16. Cultural awareness. Around the world, practically every religion, country, culture, race, creed, political persuasion, language, colour and ethnic identity is found in Lions. It is a cross section of citizens from every background. Lions become aware of other cultures and learn to love and work with people everywhere. It is truely an International organisation.
17. A wide range of programs providing help for the disadvantaged both locally in internationally - Sightfirst - a worldwide program to eradicate preventable blindness, Hearing dogs for the deaf, provision of mobility aids for children, to name but a few.
18. Nice people. Lions above all are nice people, who genuinely want to give of their time, labour and means to assist others, and have a lot of fun while they are doing it.
19. The absence of "official creed". Lions has no secret handshake, no secret policy, no official creed, no secret meetings or rituals. It is open society - of men and women who simply believe in helping others.
20. The opportunity to serve. Lions is a service club. This is the best reason for becoming a Lion: the chance to do as a group what we cannot hope to achieve on our own, to serve our fellow man, and to make the world a better place. Our motto is simple, but it says it all. "We Serve".
If you think you might be interested, we are organising a recruitment drive at the start of next year- but if you can't wait, please get in touch! You are welcome to come to a meeting or social event and get to know us with no obligations to join the club at the end, and no hard feelings!
15th July 2012
I'm a bit behind, but last weekend we had an enjoyable if wet time at Crowthorne Carnival. It's a real shame that the heavens opened when they did- just as the carnival came into the main field. Unfortunately this meant that a some people decided to pack up their brollies and go home for lunch rather than staying to look around the lovely stalls like ours! Never mind, we still had a good day, and made some money for charity at the same time.

Here's Brigid modelling a SIGNED READING FOOTBALL CLUB SHIRT- it was signed by the whole team who helped them get to the premiership and we raffled the shirt off at Crowthorne Carnival! Thanks to everyone who took part, and I hope the young lad who won it really enjoys it!
In addition to all this, we are getting very excited about the Jealotts Hill Community Landshare project which the club are not only getting involved in, but also sharing the project with the Lions Zone to get other clubs onboard too.
From their website:
What's it about?
This project will give local resident groups a unique opportunity to work and support each other on horticultural activities. The concept of sharing skills and produce will be at the heart of the scheme, with local groups and individuals working together to grow fruit, vegetables and other plants. In addition the aim of the project is for these participants to act as mentors to groups who will come to the site to gain skills, knowledge and therapeutic benefits from growing produce and tending to the site, such as groups of young people or older people, people who are looking for employment and people with disabilities.
17th June 2012
Today I enjoyed popping to the shops to buy some essential items for The Bracknell Foodbank and dropping them off at the Kerith Centre! Good way to spend a Sunday morning!

4th June 2012
It's been a while since the blog was updated, so I thought I'd just post a nice Thank You that we received from Brian Amorowson, Lion of Stowmarket club who has just acheived a pretty impressive journey.....
Brian turned 75 on 12th April 2012, and had decided to ride his bicycle all the way around the perimeter of England- over 2,000 miles to raise money for charity. Well done Brian!

7th May 2012
Hello readers!
Thank goodness the sun has come out, as we spent a soggy day over at Wokingham Lions May Fayre today. Despite the weather, the foot traffic picked up about midday and we were complimented on the quality of our prizes and our cheerful attitude (again!). I hope lots of money was raised for charity!
Martin, Helen and Sam look after the stall in the rain.

(Photo by Clare Dowling)
In other news:
I have spent the afternoon re-jigging the website slightly, you can now find lots of photos, links and information over at our past events page. Enjoy!
--------------------------------29th April 2012
Despite the weather, the club had a great time this morning marshalling the Bracknell Half marathon. It was a bit of a wet one, but the runners were doing brilliantly. Our marshalling position is about the 4 mile point, and we were astounded at how quickly the first few came though, and there were even some soggy fancy-dress clad runners in the group too.
Preparing to get wet- the club and friends.
Well done to everyone who took part!
Some of the runners by Stephen Dowling .
10th April 2012
So you've probably heard enough from me, and I thought you might like to know a bit more about the District Convention which was held last weekend in the Isle of Wight. Here's Club Secretary Mike's account of the weekend:
"At the end of March, nearly 200 Lions from across the south of England, descended on the Isle of Wight for the annual District 105D Convention. The venue was Norton Grange Holiday Camp near Yarmouth. The theme for the weekend was "Carry on across the Solent" and there were some spectacular fancy dress costumes in evidence on the Friday Night for the Host Night evening.
Saturday during the day was the AGM - the business session of the weekend. During this time resolutions were passed or rejected and next years officers for ther Association were elected including Bracknell's own Mike Hendy being voted in as 2nd Vice District Governor to take effect from July 2012. This in fact means that in 2015 Mike will be chairing the convention and leading the 1300+ Lions in this Distict.
Saturday evening saw the glittering Black Tie Banquet and Ball into the early hours and a few sore heads were brave enough to head for the open Q&A session on the Sunday morning with the International Guest from Nebraska, U.S.A. after which it was time to check out and head for the ferries and back to the mainland. Mike, Brigid and Steve attended from Bracknell club - next year the venue will be Windsor and it is hoped more people from the club will be able to attend. Conventions are an annual event in the organisation and are the chance for members to come togther, socialise and use their clubs voting rights for the future of the association."
5th April 2012
Hello and......
Happy Easter!
What's new?
At our meeting this week we inducted a new member, Martin (HURRAH!), Unfortunately we are sad to see the lovely Veronica move over to a new club due to a house move this year. Good and bad, but keeping our numbers as they are is a positive thing.
We had a busy meeting this week for a number of reasons. Mike who is a longstanding member of the club returned from the 105D District convention which was held in the Isle of Wight as the incoming 2nd Vice District Governor! Well done Mike!
Other news from the Convention was that I was successful in winning the Peter Allen Environment Photo Competition for the district, which is a huge honor! The image had to be submitted with a 40 word caption, explaining the environmental importance and why the photo was chosen.
Here's my prize winning image:
Despite being great at adapting, starlings have declined by 2/3 since the 1970's due to habitat loss. Survival rate for chicks is just 15%.
23rd March 2012
Good afternoon!
Today it was my great pleasure to organise a donation from the club for Amelia's Miracle. Amelia, who lives in Reading, is just 3 years old and was diagnosed with an incurable, inoperable brain tumour in February. Current UK treatment for children like Amelia is short term and with no positive results, and so her family need to raise a huge amount of money to take her to America to the Burzynski clinic if she has any hope of surviving this awful disease. Please give generously at the above link (Amelia's Miracle) if you can to help to improve Amelia's chances of survival, and her quality of life whilst she lives with the tumour.
17th March 2012
Lots of bits and bobs to blog about- though very challenging as I have broken my shoulder! I will persevere.....
Even more enquiries coming in through the website- so thanks for that! We are replying to all emails individually and as quickly as we can!
At our last meeting we received a District club retention award for maintaining our membership levels during the last Lionistic year.which is great news for a small club like ours.
I also wanted to post a picture of our new chain of office (as the last one is full!), with the addition of some new adornment; an international presidents pin and one of District Governor Rons' Bee badges.....
Happy St Patricks Day!
19th February 2012
Morning all!
It's been a while since my last update, but I just wanted to say we had a great meeting on Monday with a visit from our District Governor Ron Twining and his wife Anne. Lots of things coming up this year including Bracknell Half Marathon, Wokingham Lions May Day Fayre and Crowthorne Carnival! Looks like we'll be busy.
Earlier this year we donated to Bracknell Food Bank at the Kerith Centre, and passed on some more Message In A Bottle packs to some local surgeries who had run out.
Also a HUGE thank you to everyone who has contacted us through our website. Although the site has only been up and running for about 6 months, in January we received 6 different requests, all of which we are replying to individually!